What might it be like to really trust your own voice? To really trust your own heart? To really trust what you have to say?
Not only are we deserving to offer the full gift of who we are, but the world needs our empowered voices. The time is now to release the restrictions of the past and free our true beauty into our own lives and into the world. Why wait?

What might it be like to be a singer?
Singers don’t reach. They invite. Singers don’t stress. They trust. Singers don’t tense. They relax. Singers don’t shrink. They joyfully take up space, both within their own bodies and in real world. Singers explore, understand and accept themselves the way they are. Singers are sensual. Singers enjoy. Singers let go.
Singers call the song through themselves. Singers drink the notes into their own bodies, with self-knowledge, self-love and trust. Their voices are a gift to themselves and a gift to others. Their voices are their own precious tools for healing.
We are all singers.
To let go and trust requires knowing the places that you are held and supported. I am here to support you in exploring your own voice, and finding those places in yourself, so that you can relax into your voice and into who you are.

What might it be like to own the power of your voice in the world?
Imagine, for a moment, what it might be like to really, fully believe in yourself. Imagine what might be possible if you really believed that you came to earth with your particular heart, with your particular mind, with your particular passions and yearnings and gifts, with your particular voice, for a reason. Imagine what it might be like to acknowledge the words and melodies that reside in your heart and spirit, with kindness and respect; to deepen into the words and melodies that make you feel hopeful, and to free them through your voice and your music.

Imagine that you will fully release the traumas of the past, and joyfully free your beautiful, powerful voice in the present.
Imagine that you are allowed to speak up for yourself. That you are allowed to speak your truth. That you are free to say both “yes” and “no.” That you are invited to express yourself, to share your creativity and to sing your songs. Imagine what it might be like to really know that your perspective matters, that it is is worthy, that you, just as you are, right now, are welcome. Imagine that what you have to offer, through your heart and voice and words and melodies, is a gift.

The path that’s opening up through these positive imaginings is the path you deserve to walk on and trust. It’s the path from which your true words and true songs will take flight.